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ABC182 E - Akari





h, w, n, m = map(int, input().split())
ab = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(n)]
cd = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(m)]
board_LR = [[0] * w for _ in range(h)]
for a, b in ab:
    board_LR[a - 1][b - 1] = 1
for c, d in cd:
    board_LR[c - 1][d - 1] = -1
for h_ in range(h):
    for w_ in range(w - 1):
        if board_LR[h_][w_] == 1 and board_LR[h_][w_ + 1] == 0:
            board_LR[h_][w_ + 1] = 1
    for w_ in range(1, w)[::-1]:
        if board_LR[h_][w_] == 1 and board_LR[h_][w_ - 1] == 0:
            board_LR[h_][w_ - 1] = 1
board_UD = [[0] * w for _ in range(h)]
for a, b in ab:
    board_UD[a - 1][b - 1] = 1
for c, d in cd:
    board_UD[c - 1][d - 1] = -1
for w_ in range(w):
    for h_ in range(h - 1):
        if board_UD[h_][w_] == 1 and board_UD[h_ + 1][w_] == 0:
            board_UD[h_ + 1][w_] = 1
    for h_ in range(1, h)[::-1]:
        if board_UD[h_][w_] == 1 and board_UD[h_ - 1][w_] == 0:
            board_UD[h_ - 1][w_] = 1
ans = 0
for h_ in range(h):
    for w_ in range(w):
        ans += board_LR[h_][w_] == 1 or board_UD[h_][w_] == 1